
Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Eve's トーキョーゲットー (Tokyo Ghetto) is still my JAM

Apparently, Eve'sおとぎalbum will drop out today as I'm writing this post (Feb 6, 2019). And this album contains the first song that I discovered from Eve - トーキョーゲットー (Tokyo Ghetto). And it's my fucking JAM (Kokkoku's OP is fire too, btw, Miyavi kills it).

Let's run over all the snippets of the songs from the official snick-peak video, that is located above. 

1) slumber
k, pleasant

2) トーキョーゲットー (Tokyo Ghetto)
AWESOME. Quickly went from ok to 'omg, this is fucking great' last year. No Eve song, that I listened afterwards, topped トーキョーゲットー  yet, despite the fact that Eve's songs basically follow the same formula. Perhaps caused by the fact that out of all of Eve songs I found this one first, butトーキョーゲットー is the best sample.

3) アウトサイダー (autosaidaa, Outsider1)
k, maybe this'll grow on me in the future. For the time being I'll prolly forget about this song.

4) 迷い子 (kanji i ko1)
k, this radWIMPs-y (some of the RADWIMPS songs are nice tho, like this one) song is meh. Live action MV is the curse.

5) やどりぎ (yadorigi1)
k, pop. Will forget.

6) アンビバレント (anbibarento, Ambivalent1)
ok, not too bad, have this song in my playlist already. I see, Eve stepped into the limelight and got noticed by senpais. The song will be some low budget nugu animu's op. The name's MECHA-UDE (Mechanical Arms). I quickly looked though the sketches on the official site. Some arms are deposited at questionable fanservice-y locations. There's a female lead and, of course, love handles mecha arms are located in her panties under her skirt. Some grabbers come out from boobs. Lol. I haven't watched it yet, but the pilote ep is already out.

7) 楓 (kanji1)
k, live action MV is the curse.

8) ラストダンス  (Rasuto Dansu, Lust Dance ??? ... or wait LAst Dance lol1)
ok, grows on me bit by bit. 

9) 僕らまだアンダーグラウンド  (kanji ramada andaaguraundo, smth smth undeground1)
k, takes a little bit of time to get used to the lead's faster than usual talk-y singing, not terrible, maybe this'll grow on me in the future. What's more important is it's Eve's most sakuga MV. E ve's MVs are always creative and beautiful art-wise. However, this one especially takes the cake in the visual department.

10) 君に世界  (kanji ni kanji x21)
k, I can see why this doesn't have a MV.

11) dawn
k, pleasant.


1 - Weird flex, but ok.

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