
Tuesday, March 19, 2019

WPD did nothing wrong

It didn't violate those rules. I know, because I've visited WPD sometimes out of morbid curiosity and for encouraging myself that, wow, I can die any time in a sudden accident without me even registering it (unfortunately, probability of that actually happening is really low, because I'm mostly cautious, practically don't get out of my house and I'm a pussy). Unlike me, many people learned about how fragile life can be and that made them a bit more careful near heavy dangerous machinery, roads, Brazilian flip-flops, Chinese jaywalkers, etc. Yes, people made (sometimes) funny off-color jokes, but I don't think anyone actually praised violence. WPD subscribers were sympathetic towards deceased victims at their core and were often questioning how a particular unfortunate accident happened and what could be done to prevent it.

I think Reddit pulled (and will continue to do it) all the nails that stick out to appease stockholders & media or something. "We've thrown out all the smelly trash! We're all clean! See, guys!".

Many people agree with me that the ban was unnecessary.

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